That’s how I feel when I pick up my camera.
Life comes at us so fast it allows most people to skim only the surface with their eyes. Not everyone takes time to slow down in order to appreciate the depth and interesting detail of their everyday world, wherever that may be. I like to invite viewers to notice things they might ordinarily walk right past. My work targets elements of art in the day-to-day scenes of our lives - line, shape, colour, form and texture. I also look for movement, pattern, and rhythm. Creating compositions that compel the eye to move over the image in a certain way is often a consideration when I’m looking for subjects.
Until a few years ago much of my commercial work was for the purpose of supplying clients with visual documentation solely for their purposes. Working creatively with these images took me from “recording only” to my current philosophy of “record and play” with the image. I spend about 20% of my time shooting; 60% to merge, design and detail the image; and the final 20% on output to media. The ability to add and take away light digitally is an element I really have a lot of fun with.
Sometimes people ask me what I was thinking about when I composed a certain picture…. I like to evoke an element of curiosity with my images, leaving viewers free to draw their own conclusions. When a single image is meaningful to multiple people for different reasons I find it very rewarding.
What do I like to take pictures of? My approach is eclectic, featuring a wide variety of subject matter because there is so much out there for the taking. I keep an ongoing notebook of potential locations, and add to it whenever I have the opportunity to travel. I may find something I want to shoot and return at another time of day when the light is right. My goal is to keep giving people more reasons to incorporate my work into the spaces where they live, work and play. Remember what I said about feeling like a kid in a candy store.

I really enjoy the idea of showing off some new ideas with this blog, please, if you are looking and you like or don't like tell me! When you work alone, there is nobody else there to bounce ideas, thoughts off of, I need feedback, PEOPLE!!! :)

Tell me what you think!