Ucluelet Marina: The dominant colours found in urban marinas are often a uniform crisp, cool blue and white; but on a recent trip to Vancouver Island I was attracted to the mix of colours found in the village marinas. These boats belonged to people who lived in them and used them daily to earn a living. The textures and colours were rich to start with – but after enhancement in the digital darkroom they really popped.
Cowichan Bay Hulls: I was enjoying my first cup of coffee, looking out of the window towards the shore when I spotted a group of small rental boats that looked like they’d been hastily stashed safely out of the reach of high tide. I cropped the image tightly to capture the pattern of the ribs on the hulls, the curves of the bow, and left a length of chain as a clue.
Misty Beach: Long Beach on Vancouver Island showcases the power of crashing waves and the pull of the retreating surf. Like many people, I am aware of the potential threat posed by these waters and I walk carefully on the shore, shouting to be heard by my companions. I designed this image to capture the immense strength and movement of the sea, and added layers of softness to add an element of moodiness.
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