You can almost hear the tumbling water in this lush, secluded rainforest. The clear lines of foliage contrast sharply with the water moving so fast it takes on the form of mist and appears to have been added with smooth brushstrokes.

The Wave:
We’ve all done it – gone walking on the beach and wished each distinct moment of a spectacular wave dancing toward shore could be held long enough to fully appreciate. This panoramic series of images begs the eyes to spot the minute differences in each frame.

End of Days:
This photo was taken on the west coast around the same time that a tsunami devastated another part of the world. After the damage was done and that thunderous wall of water had retreated, I imagined the shoreline looked something like this – innocent and calm.

I’m kind of glad that I didn’t get a chance to see this double-ended band of colour arching over the Fraser Valley until I was a grown-up. A child might not have understood what a rare occurrence it is. I considered myself the lucky one because my camera was within arms reach and I was granted only a few minutes to take the shot before it disappeared.

Paris Doors:
Doors and windows of any kind are like a magnet for me. I literally wonder where they lead and what lies beyond them. These two doors found while walking the streets of Paris illustrate the rich patina of age, scraped wood, and detailed the metal work. Doors open to reveal just about anything. But these images also strike a chord with people who may be contemplating what’s next in their lives. Push – and let your imagination go.
Tell me what you think!